HeteroMirPred : Heterogeneous ensemble program for classifying cross-sepecies pre-miRNAs from pseudo hairpins and other ncRNAs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our heterogeneous ensemble classifier is previously trained on human and plant miRNA precursors and non-miRNA sequences (pseudo-hairpin and other ncRNA). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System requirements: -------------------- - The heterogeneous ensemble for pre-miRNA classification has been developed for linux platform (Redhat/Fedora). - Perl, java, C complier are pre-installed on your system. - the RNAFold (ViennaRNA package) are pre-installed on your system. Running the classifier: ----------------------- - go to the directory by command > cd HeteroMirPred - execute the script by command > perl heteroPred.pl [input_file] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: ------------ - Xue, C., Li, F., He,T., Liu,G., Li,Y. and Zhang,X. (2005) Classification of Real and Pseudo MicroRNA Precursors Using Local Structure-Sequence Features and Support Vector Machine. BMC Bioinformatics, 6, 310. - Batuwita, R. and Palade, V. (2009) microPred: Effective classification of pre-miRNAs for human miRNA gene prediction. Bioinformatics, 25, 989-995, 2009. - Loong,K. and Mishra,S. (2007). De nove SVM classification of precursor microRNAs from genomic pseudo hairpins using global and intrinsic folding measures. Bioinformatics, 23,1321-1330. - Hofacker,I.L. (2003) Vienna RNA secondary structure server. Nucleic Acids Res., 31, 3429-3431. - Markham, N. R. and Zuker, M. (2005) DINAMelt web server for nucleic acid melting prediction. Nucleic Acids Res., 33, W577-W581. - Chang,C. and Lin,C. (2001) LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines. Available http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm. - Hofacker IL, Fontana W, Stadler PF, Bonhoeffer S, Tacker M, Schuster P: Fast folding and comparison of RNA secondary structures. Monatshefte f Chemie 1994, 125:167-188.